Is Your Real Estate Career Providing You With The Results You Desire?

Is Your Real Estate Career Providing You With The Results You Desire?

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If you're feeling unmotivated and uninspired, ask yourself why and then take action to remedy it.

Everyone has awful days when things don't go as planned. On those days, you could find yourself wondering, "What am I doing with my life?" Fortunately, terrible days are frequently followed by exciting projects or interesting clients that restore your excitement and remind you why you love real estate. If your bad days are becoming more regular, it may be time to ask yourself some tough questions about what's lacking in your professional life and how you might make every day of your real estate business more pleasurable and gratifying.


1. How Flexible Are Your Working Hours?

Real estate agents frequently list flexible hours as one of the reasons they enjoy their jobs. However, even if you're not punching a time clock, you may feel obligated to work long hours and be available whenever clients call. If your "flexible" hours actually mean you're working many nights and weekends, consider putting some limits in place so you can devote more time to family or personal interests such as a favorite pastime or charitable work.


2. Do You Believe You Help Individuals Every Day?

Knowing you're a part of the most important financial choice your customers will ever make can be extremely fulfilling, but it's easy to lose sight of this in the day-to-day hustle and bustle. Consider creating an "encouragement file" in which you save positive feedback for later evaluation on bad days. Invite previous clients out for coffee and learn how much they adore their property and community. It will keep you in their thoughts and remind you how valued—and valuable—you are.


3. Are There Other Methods To Offer Your Abilities?

Your real estate agent abilities might be put to use by assisting your community or assisting new agents to enter the industry. Find methods to donate your time and expertise in exchange for a boost in morale. Become a certified trainer or teacher. Serve on the advisory board of your favorite charity, where you may share your knowledge in property purchase and management. You will become more enthusiastic as you serve others.


4. Do You Make Enough Money?

Let's face it: how much money agents make has a big influence on how they feel about their job. If you believe you aren't generating enough money, some continuing education may be in order to keep you up to date on trends, developing best practices, and methods agents throughout the country are making more money. Read up on marketing, especially content development and social media marketing, or attend a class. You'll learn ways to increase your profits—and you might even become an influencer in the process.


5. Do You Have Complete Control Over Your Business?

You may have started in real estate to be your own boss, but you will need the correct brokerage to provide you with the necessary assistance, training, technology, and lead generation. If your broker has too much power without providing you anything in return, it may be time to rethink your brokerage arrangement. Look for a brokerage that prepares you for large goals and understands that putting you at the heart of their business model benefits both of you.


6. How Well Do You Manage Your Time?

Poor time management skills can limit your career fulfillment. Instead of striking a work-life balance, poor time management may result in you working more hours and accomplishing less. Investigate tactics such as time blocking and productivity applications such as Asana, Slack, and Trello to help you do more with your time and keep better track of it. Consider using a scheduler like Calendly to avoid endless games of phone tag and to better manage your time.


7. Is There Another Field In Which You Excel?

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to real estate. Consider which niche would be more suitable for you. Do you have an interest in commercial real estate? Luxury? Buying and selling houses? Interests change with time, and the specialty you started in may no longer be the ideal fit for you. Examine qualifications and designations in your new specialization, and find a mentor who can assist you in developing a plan for shifting to your new market sector.

Don't forget to update your marketing and branding to match your new focus—the appearance, feel, and tone of luxury marketing is considerably different from investment marketing. You'll approach first-time homeowners differently than you would business clients. Examine your logo, business cards, headshot, colors, and fonts, and tailor your style to your new specialization.

A loss of zeal does not have to spell the end of your real estate profession. It could be the start of a new, more satisfying one. Ask yourself these seven questions, be honest with yourself about your skills and limitations, and then look for methods to reintroduce fun into your professional life.