What Will Change In Consumer Behavior In 2023, And How Will Your Marketing Strategy Change?

What Will Change In Consumer Behavior In 2023, And How Will Your Marketing Strategy Change?

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When we talk about behaviors, we're talking about something malleable that is influenced and does not necessarily remain constant, right?! And the scenario is not any different when it comes to customer behavior.

With that in mind, it is critical that we regularly watch these behavioral variances to ensure that we are up to speed on how our clients are purchasing products, and, more importantly, that we (and our Marketing Strategies) continue to satisfy their demands.

According to research, the most recent consumer trends, preferences, and habits have evolved between May 2022 and now. To better comprehend the overall picture of changes, they polled over 1,000 people across the United States, including Gen Z (18-24), Millennials (25-34), Gen X (35-54), and Baby Boomers (55+).

As you might expect, the survey yielded some valuable insights to consider as we plan our marketing strategy for 2023, and we can't wait to share the most important ones with you in this article.


What Are The Most Significant Shifts In Customer Behavior?


1. Mobile Experiences Are A "Must-Have" For Any Company

Just out of interest, what device are you reading this text on? You are not alone if you are reading it on your phone or another mobile device.

Mobile phones are used by 56% of those polled to conduct online research more than any other device. And this is not a new trend among consumers; in 2021, people spent one-third of their waking hours on their phones, a 30% increase since 2019.

You're undoubtedly thinking that Gen Z has the highest number in this mobile poll, right? Surprisingly, according to The State of Consumer Trends, Millenials are the group most likely to use their cell phone (74%). However, when it comes to utilizing it to buy things online, Gen Z remains the Golden Audience - we'll discuss more about this shortly, so stay tuned!

As you can see, mobile technology is here to stay. Can we agree that if you and your firm are still not thinking about the mobile experience you are offering to your clients, it is past time to start? There are numerous mobile Marketing methods and content formats to try to see which one is most suited to your target audience. To begin, you can examine your website, for example, to ensure it is mobile-friendly.


2. Consumers Are Becoming Increasingly Interested In Social Shopping

At this point in the article, we already know that individuals favor mobile devices as their preferred platform for online purchases. But where are they purchasing it? The solution is social media apps, notably Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Tiktok.

A separate study, Hootsuite's Social Media Trends 2023, reinforces this assertion: individuals are becoming more familiar with social media platforms, and their numbers are growing. According to Social Media Trends 2023, more than half of Millennials and Gen Z have social media effects when purchasing online, and Gen Z searches for products on TikTok rather than Google.

The in-app experience is the reason for such rapid growth: it is mobile-friendly and has simple interfaces, giving users confidence. However, not everything in social media land is roses; poor consumer experiences can make social commerce unattractive.

To navigate this pass, you must ensure that you provide a great experience, which includes not only the in-app experience but also the customer support you provide after and during sales, as well as the harmony between your sales channels - to ensure a standardized customer experience wherever your customer purchases from.

Aside from in-app purchases, another key takeaway from The State of Consumer Trends is the importance of community. Building online communities has shown to be an effective and consistent technique for engaging customers and social audiences. According to the study, 19% of social media users polled joined an online community, and we can already see this being implemented in the market - big players like Whatsapp, for example, have recently invested in community feature releases, confirming that Communities can be an ally in Marketing strategies.

Speaking of which, communities and artists are becoming a thing worth looking at in the future.


3. More People Are Supporting Small Businesses Than Ever Before

The pandemic's long-term impacts may be manifesting. One of the most significant developments revealed by Hubspot's research is the increase in small business backers. In May 2022, up to 8% of consumers chose a product because it was created by a small firm. This year, the figure has risen to 42%.

This is a significant accomplishment for small businesses, as well as an opportunity to begin investing in their internet presence. If you own a small business, keep one thing in mind: customers already want to buy from you, so make it easy for them to find you and provide a seamless experience for them.

A marketing plan is not just for large corporations; small firms can benefit from it as well. Local SEO, for example, can help consumers locate what they need on Google Search by highlighting businesses in local searches.


4. Customers Are Shopping More Carefully

Last but not least, customers are supporting businesses that practice corporate responsibility, which may be one of the reasons why they support small enterprises. Because it is easier to ensure that their production is sustainable, and the owners have a social responsibility to the community in which they live.

As a result, before making a purchase decision, consumers are increasingly scrutinizing a company's political stance on subjects that are important to them. Initiatives such as sustainability, racial justice, climate change, and LGBTQ+ rights are examples.

This means that representation is now one of the most important criteria of the customer journey - people want to buy from firms that represent them by investing in and caring about causes that are important to them.

Moving forward, brands must consider how they encourage diversity and inclusion, as well as openly demonstrate their support for social concerns. And it has to be sincere. Remember when we talked about building communities and increasing social media engagement?

Consumers are more interested than ever in following brands on the internet, particularly those with which they are familiar. They will be able to see if the brand actually invests and believes in specific issues, or if it is merely a ruse to garner followers - in which case, things might become ugly.