Getting recommendations might be one of the most lucrative aspects of your business as a real estate agent in terms of earning money. To get referral business and achieve long-term success in the real estate industry, one must master the art of maintaining existing customer relationships; yet, many agents aren't making the most of the weekend, which is a key referral-generating period.
Making time for referral-generating activities over the weekend, such as dropping off housewarming presents on a Sunday or attending a local charity event on Saturday, may be fun and highly profitable.
Although brokers should make an effort to get referrals every day, the weekend offers more exciting opportunities. Here are some enjoyable suggestions for the weekend:
Go To A Client's House-Warming Celebration
Your customer would probably want to show off their lovely new home to friends and family after a major move. These kinds of occasions are the ideal time to establish oneself as someone who can help the family members of your clients discover their new home.
Doling Out Gifts
It's the ideal time to get cards and/or gifts ready to mail the following week if you have a free Sunday afternoon, especially if a holiday is quickly coming. You must communicate with your database frequently in order to foster new referrals and preserve old ones, and mailing them gifts works much better than emailing them.
Run A Competition
Since you probably visit Facebook during the weekend, why not use a contest to increase your social media profile and attract new followers? It could be as straightforward as posing a real estate-related query. Pick a winner from the comments, and the ideal prize is a gift card to a nearby movie theater or eatery!
Profitable agents almost always have a strategy in place for getting referrals, but many fail to take advantage of the opportunity that weekends bring. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you enjoy it and the rest of your weekend.