Prompts And Modifiers For ChatGPT For Australian Real Estate Agents And Realtors – AI And OpenAI:

Prompts And Modifiers For ChatGPT For Australian Real Estate Agents And Realtors – AI And OpenAI:

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Today, we'll look into OpenAI's Chat GPT, artificial intelligence, and how it may be used. Just a few suggestions for realtors and real estate brokers.

You must log in or sign up to use And once you've done that, you'll notice that on the left-hand side, and this is very essential, you have your saved searches. They're crucial because, unlike Google search, this remembers the search query and learns from every modifier that you enter. So you go back and search/query again, and the AI, I think, has a better sense of what you're looking for. Yeah. So, in real estate, I'd like you to play the role of a real estate agent. This is significant because ACT IS is a parameter, a modifier; it provides some structure for the AI to operate with. So I might say I'm a family with three children, an academic researcher, or a realtor, and it would modify its response. Remember, this is going to be an iterative process. It's productive. We're discussing generative AI here. With modifiers, it adapts and changes.

My initial plea is for assistance in locating a single-story family home near downtown Sydney, Newtown, Wollongong, or elsewhere. Then you'll gradually add in how many bedrooms you want, whether you want a swimming pool, whether a school is nearby, and so on. This is the AI's response.

Sure, I'd be delighted to assist you in finding your ideal property. As a result, the roles have been reversed. The real estate agent is suddenly operating as if I'm the individual trying to buy or sell a home. Here are some properties based on your criteria, and it provides me with three properties. Now, I'll admit that I made a mistake here. I should have narrowed my search (to 5 or 10 results).

But let's get to the second element that I believe is beneficial to real estate agents. Please compose an email newsletter I'm not sure what you write email newsletters about. Selling residences in Sydney's eastern suburbs in an informal tone, as if a real estate agent will now, is one of the things I've mentioned. So this is fantastic news about new opportunities. Spacious, sleek, and emotive, I suppose. It's attempting to elicit an emotion. Now I can go back and add more prompt adjectives. Remember that we are iteratively producing this email newsletter. So I can now go back and be more specific about the tone I want to utilize. As a result, the following prompt adjectives will be used: vibrant, intriguing, thrilling, charming, confident, trustworthy, knowledgeable, daring, and courageous. I doubt you'd utilize those. But it's forceful and impassioned, and it doesn't matter if I'm writing a short tale, a poem, an email newsletter to clients, or a house description.


So I can redo, and rewrite, three bedroom rewrite description as well. I prefer the three-bedroom house with a pool and a school nearby in an encouraging tone, as if I don't need to write this because it is intuitive, but I just trust it more if I keep telling it who I am. As if I were a real estate agent, and then enhance, is the word I use. Enhance. It's still sending out the newsletter because I didn't tell it to stop. I wish to acquire this lovely three-bedroom property since it embodies luxury and comfort. This house does not exist, but it has large living spaces and a gourmet kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances. So it's not a fixer-upper after all. So you may keep working on your email newsletters and house descriptions, and it will generate as many as it can. I use enhance; in fact, I used it for my bio since I just list facts about who I am and what I've done, and it had me as world-leading this and something other, but I think it was picking up on things.