Prioritize Until It Hurts

Prioritize Until It Hurts

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What you prioritize determines what you receive - and who you become.
Consider the following sentence:

"There aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I need to do."

Which word in that sentence is the most important? Is it…

  • Enough?
  • Aren't?
  • Everything?

No, the keyword is "need." So... what should you do? Take a look at that. Do you have a specific assignment to complete? Or do you need to achieve something bigger? And, if so, are there any other tasks you could eliminate or replace to help you achieve this goal?

The truth is that there are enough hours in the day to succeed at everything you want to succeed at. Nobody would ever be successful if there weren't. Those who achieve success are those who prioritize, and not simply on a basic basis...

They prioritize until it hurts.

(Until you feel like you're burning away chunks of yourself.)

Prioritizing in this manner requires courage. However, it is what the market needs now. I'll show you how in this blog. We're discussing your most essential priorities. Let's get started.


Priority No. 1: Put It On Your Calendar

It does not exist if it is not on your schedule. Repeat 50 times more until it sticks.

You are currently reading my blog, which is a positive thing (I would never argue against that). But is this something you have time for? It should be because it broadens your mind and opens up new options - both of which are important. So put it on your calendar.

Begin by reading this blog. I wrote about time management. Then go ahead and do it. Once you've finished, write down everything you accomplished that day and cross-reference it with your timetable. Do you see any time-killers?


Priority No. 2: Concentrate On Appointments

Appointments are today's currency. Appointments are where your money begins. That is what you should prioritize. Everything else is delegable.

Take note that priorities are about your goals and the actions necessary to achieve them. The goal is to make appointments. So, what is the action that brings you there?...


Priority No. 3: Make Your Calls

You knew it was going to happen. Making calls is, of course, the way to gain more appointments.

I could go on and on about why it's so vital, but you already know. Either you'll do it or you won't.

We are here to assist you if you require it.


Priority No. 4: Execute Effective Plays

We interviewed over 70 of our most successful coaching clients on the plays they're running that work for various lead generation pillars, sales tactics, and business processes as part of this year's 20th anniversary Success Summit.

We collected all of their techniques and turned them into step-by-step case studies, and we're handing out 12 of these Ultimate Real Estate Playbooks at Summit.

These are plays that WORK, and they're easy to replicate and rip off. And they're all of those things because they've been tried and polished several times. Everything that doesn't work has been removed.

So, what are you doing that should be stopped?


Priority No. 5: Incorporate Accountability Into Your Schedule

Going back to the Playbooks, do you know what the hands-down, No. 1 most popular answer was when we asked the agents what had made the most difference in their businesses?


This was by far the best answer. Perhaps there's something to it...

If you want to know more, start here.


Priority No. 6: Get Eight Hours Of Sleep

Remember how I mentioned you have more than enough hours in the day?

Jeff Bezos, the founder, and CEO of Amazon, stated about it:

"I sleep for eight hours every night." It is my first priority. I require eight hours of sleep per night. I believe I am correct. I've got more energy... As a Senior Executive, you are compensated for making a limited number of high-quality judgments. It's enough if I make three smart decisions a day."

He values sleep since it makes the hours he does have more productive. This means that sleep should not be something you do outside of your schedule; it should be a part of it.


Are There Too Many Priorities? TRY THIS...

If you're thinking, "But Tom, I have too many ideas and initiatives I need to start right now," I've got the solution for you.

A Do/Doing/Done board can help you keep track of your priorities.

Put your most pressing priorities in the "Doing" column and get to work. You should only have two or three projects in this column at a time, otherwise, you'll be spinning your wheels.

Fill the "Do" column with future ideas and efforts that would be too much for you to handle if you tried to implement them right now. So they're basically standing in that "Do" column until there's place for them.

And how did that room come to be? When an item in the "Doing" column has been completely implemented and/or automated to the point that it may be moved to the "Done" column. And the "Done" column is a terrific method to keep track of all the projects and efforts you've started throughout time.


Where To Focus Your Attention

The majority of your priorities will be the work you undertake for your company. That is a fact unless you scale large enough and manage a large crew.

But if you want to actually put any of what I wrote above into action, uncover the plays that work, develop the perfect schedule, trim the fat in your business, and start scaling to where you want to go, you must first work ON your business.