Perhaps You Shouldn’t Complain About Real Estate Clients On Social Media

Perhaps You Shouldn’t Complain About Real Estate Clients On Social Media

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Some of the same issues vex all agents. There are going to be tiny problems that people find themselves dealing with on a regular basis in any client-facing profession, and it can be tempting to air this all out to the world.

When most of us create professional social media profiles, we follow our coworkers, who in turn follow us. We occasionally get to have some back and forth-and share some camaraderie. When you come across a meme that truly makes you laugh out loud because it perfectly describes some annoying client behavior, you may feel compelled to share it. Perhaps you had a poor experience and want everyone to know how bad your day is going.


Instead of pressing the submit button, pause for a moment to consider the matter. Why not share the amusement? Several reasons:


1. Clients Are Also Present

We create professional pages so that future and current clients may find us and contact us online. They will see what you have to say if they visit your page. They may receive the wrong impression if they catch just the appropriate photographs or messages.


2. Even Innocuous Insults Can Be Misinterpreted

Isn't this just harmless venting? Unfortunately, if the customer or someone similar to the client is the focus of the joke, it may not appear that way. If a DIY enthusiast is mocked for their unusual tastes or project completion, another possible customer who thinks themselves somewhat of a DIYer may believe that you, the agent, do not appreciate or even desire their business. It's an agent's job to advocate for their customers, and it's not a good look to mock them—even if it's only a joke.


3. Clients May Be Hesitant To Request What They Require

It is our role as real estate agents to assist individuals in determining the proper type of home for them. They'll frequently require details on schools, amenities, neighborhood shopping, and other topics. Someone who has watched, for example, a film that makes fun of consumers who ask 100 questions may not feel free to ask all of their inquiries. This will leave them with insufficient knowledge and undermine their purchasing trust. We want our clients to know they are in capable and empathetic hands at all times.


4. The Key Is Some Distance Between You, The Person, And You, The Agency

A large number of clients might make this task quite challenging. You may become irritated if you are repeatedly asked the same seven questions or if you are asked for your opinion on certain styles or trends. But, in the end, it isn't about you. We serve our clients best when we remove our personal demands from the equation and leave them with a friendly advisor who is eager to assist them with their problems.


5. The Internet Is Eternal

Think twice before sharing or deleting something. It's possible that it's already too late. Internet content is both transitory in the sense that it moves at breakneck speed and eternal in the sense that it is always easy to document. Is it possible that what you're sharing would seem bad in a screenshot? Don't give them the chance.


Finally, if it's a joke you don't want to be the butt of, it's best not to share it on a professional page. Create a locked-down personal page where all material is private if you need an area where you can just be an individual rather than the face of a corporation. You'll have a place to unwind, and your clients will see a kind and professional face on your professional profile to help them through one of their biggest and most life-changing investments, both now and in the future.