Moving House With Kids – A Parent’s Waking Nightmare

Moving House With Kids – A Parent’s Waking Nightmare

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Moving house is bad enough but moving house with kids, it’s every parent’s waking nightmare. You know, packing boxes only to have them unpack them, the breakages, trying to do mountains of packing and cleaning while they sleep only to make yourself nuts. The whispered arguments with you and your partner because moving is stressful as hell, having a whole house to pack and then to clean when all you want to do is drink all of the wine. If only there was someone who really got it…

There are two realities here; you have to move with kids, or you can move without them. Not everyone has the freedom of having friends or family to babysit the kids on moving day and if this is you, our condolences. But, moving house with kids does not have to turn your hair a premature grey, in fact, it can be a rewarding family experience.

‘A rewarding family experience?’ You’re likely asking. Well yes, if you put these tips in place.

12 Ways to make moving house with kids a breeze

We are Brisbane removal company who are all about making moving house easy and hassle-free. As a family run business, we also believe that moving house is a family experience, moving from one chapter to the next, it’s sometimes great to get everyone involved in the transition. Here’s how the experience of moving house with kids can be a positive one.

Plan the move

Do yourself a favour and don’t leave planning to the last minute. Start six or even eight weeks beforehand and do something each week up to moving day. From arranging a home removal company and transferring utilities to organising repairs, carpet cleaning and layout plans for the new house, it’ll help moving house with kids less of a nightmare.

Involve the kids with house hunting

Kids love to feel like they have a say, particularly when it comes to such a big thing like moving house. Take them with you when you go looking for houses and ask their opinion; they’ll be living there too. When you’ve found the ideal home, put photographs up on the fridge.

Talk about the move

Leading up to moving day, talk about what’s going to happen and how it will happen. Kids love routine, and when routine is changed, it can really affect them. Talk to them about it as much as possible, so they know what to expect.

Say proper goodbyes

It’s likely your children have made lots of friends in the neighbourhood, and so if you’re moving a fair distance away, it’s essential they have sufficient time to say their proper goodbyes.

Have the kids help with labelling and packing

Kids love being involved and helping out on moving day, it’s a huge occasion. Don’t be afraid to put them to work. Let them help you pack boxes, stick on labels and tape up the boxes. They’ll feel like they’re a part of the whole process. If however, you have a little one that prefers to unpack the boxes you’ve already packed, hand them some bubble wrap to pop and hopefully it’ll give you the reprieve you need, if only for a little while.

Get someone to pack for you

If packing boxes with kids is just not going to work and you’d like to save your sanity, why not consider packing services by your home removalist.

Plenty of sleep before moving day

Moving day can be extremely exhausting for adults let alone children so make sure they go to bed nice and early the night before so (hopefully) they get a good night’s sleep and can make it through a very long moving day.

Pack up the kids rooms last

If your children will be with you on moving day, it’s best to pack up their room last so they have somewhere to play while the removalists go in and out of the house and somewhere to have a day sleep if they are young.

Let them have a suitcase of toys to play with

Before moving day, let them pack a suitcase of necessities such as toys to play with on moving day, books to read, a change of clothes and some snacks.

Stick to routine

As exciting as the day may be, it’ll make your life a whole lot easier if you try to stick to your usual routine as much as possible, particularly if you have young children. Have breakfast and lunch at the same time as usual and if your children still have day sleeps, try to stick to these too.

Let your kids decorate their own room

Let your children know that when you arrive at your new house or apartment that they can decide on how they want to decorate and layout their own room. This will give them a sense of achievement and ownership and also something to look forward to at the end of a long and busy day.

Get someone else to unpack and assemble

Why not crack open that bottle of wine early and let the removalists unpack boxes and assemble furniture for you! When you’ve just moved with kids, you deserve it! Moving house with kids can fill you with dread but, a well-planned move with loads of involvement from the children will likely surprise you in the end.  So if you are looking for someone to move furniture to your new home or your short-term rental property call us. Good luck and enjoy the celebratory wine at the end!