Modern Hot Water Systems: A Selection Guide

Modern Hot Water Systems: A Selection Guide

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Water heaters are one of the most energy-hungry household appliances. They generally consume around 15% of the annual energy bill. This means that, unless you’re using the right type of water heater. Your household is wasting a lot of energy and, of course, a lot of money in vain.

Additionally, people usually decide to buy the new water heater only once the old one breaks down. Which causes them to make rash decisions and, more often than not. Those decisions are not the best possible ones. So, in order to avoid making a mistake of choosing the wrong type of water heater, check out this list that can help you out in the process.

The four basic types of water heaters

Water heaters can be divided into four basic categories. Tankless or on-demand water heaters, solar water heaters, indirect water heaters and the water heaters with conventional storage. The first ones heat up the water on demand, which significantly reduces the standby energy waste. As the cold water reaches the water heater, it’s heated by a gas burner or electric heating element and it’s released back into the pipe once it reaches the desire temperature. S

Solar water heaters, as their name suggests. Use solar energy (collected by panels or roof tiles) to heat up the water. And they are an excellent choice for areas that experience a lot of sunny days throughout the year. Indirect water heaters are usually connected to the home’s heating system which they use to heat up the water – they are usually very energy efficient.

Finally, the water heaters with conventional storage are the most common type of water heaters used in residential properties. They consist of a water tank – 100 to 300 liters – where the cold water enters from the pipes and leaves only once is completely heated to the desire temperature.

The energy sources

As mentioned, the most common energy sources for water heaters are electricity and gas, and, of course, solar power. Therefore, when choosing the type of energy source make sure you go for the Energy Star labeled. Ones if you opt for an electrically-power water heater, or check out the best deal for the gas powered one.

No matter the type you opt for, make sure you call in professionals, such as these Sydney-based experts for hot water systems. To help you install and service it properly, as attempting to this on your own can endanger the safety of both you and your family.

The size

The size of the water heater you decide to buy will depend on the number of people in your household. As well as the amount of hot water you use on a daily basis. For example, a dishwasher heats up the water on its own. Which means it’s not using the hot water from the water heater. However, if you don’t have a dishwasher, you are most probably washing your dishes with warm water, and that warm water comes from – you guessed it – the water heater. Also, if you live alone, chances are that you don’t need anything more than a 100-liter water heater tank (if you opt for the conventional storage type), but if you’re a family of four (or more) the 300-liter one is your best bet.

Energy efficiency

As mentioned before, no matter the type of water heater you choose, make sure it’s as eco-friendly as possible. Check the so-called Energy Factor.  This is measured by the quantity of hot water the unit produces per unit of consumed fuel. Of the water heater you are considering and go for the highest one. Also, keep in mind that the newer types of water heaters are much more energy efficient than the older ones. Finally, make sure that your water heater is in top condition as units that are damaged. Broken or simply not working properly tend to waste significantly more energy.

Therefore, don’t sit around and wait for your water heater to breaks down to replace it. Instead, see if there are better alternatives out there and find the one that suits your personal needs best. This way, not only will you have a new, reliable unit but, chances are that you’ll significantly reduce the waste of energy in your household.

By Lillian Connors