How to Target Property Buyers or Sellers on Facebook

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Facebook is the major social media platform that holds its reigning place despite the existence of more youthful Instagram and Twitter. It is great for attracting clients in any business: real estate buyers and sellers included.

So the question is, how to target property buyers or sellers on Facebook and get the most of it? Today we will try to hold the pieces together and find out all the things you need to know to find the best real estate clients via Facebook.

Use right targets in Facebook ads

This is the part for both science and experimenting. It is important to use all the data you have about the neighborhood of interest (who buys/sells here, their age, interests, etc.) to target specific clients in your area.

Psychology is your best friend in this matter, so use behavioral options when you can. It can help you with creating ad campaigns for people who only want to live in your neighborhood.

Look at income and property status to narrower options for more effective campaigns.

Facebook has tons of options for targeting, and here you have an excellent field for experiments. Use statistics and your own experience to create new combinations and get real estate leads to your page.

Run multiple campaigns

You are the one who knows his audience best, and you know that 25-year old single male and 53-year old mom of three wants different things.

In this case, use your knowledge (and data), and create separate campaigns to target specific people. This way, you will be able to include more keywords, get more people to see your ads, and, at the same time, you will get very narrow campaigns that will generate more leads.

Make smashing ads

You have only one chance to impress a potential client, so don’t rush the process and take your ads very seriously.

Take your time with the copy for ads, headlines, keywords, and photos. Don’t forget to add a link to your blog or website.

Have the catchiest photo you can on your ad. It is its moment to shine. But stay truthful: people hate false advertising. Just add sprinkles on your image without misleading the people.

With copy and headline, you have a limited amount of symbols that will make a person click on your ad. Be creative, but stay simple, and people will love it.

Work on your page

Once you’ve got buyers/sellers’ attention and they came to your page, you need to keep them with you. Your page must be alive, full of useful information, and updated regularly.

Make sure that potential clients can easily contact you. When a typical user cannot find the right info in 3 clicks, he immediately leaves a page.

Use your past clients and successful cases to provide their feedback for future clients. Leave room for criticism: some clients prefer to see how you resolve conflicts and will trust you more if you are honest about your business’s ups and downs.

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