How to Prevent Roof Leaks

How to Prevent Roof Leaks

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Having a steady roof over your head is true both in its metaphorical and literal sense. Whenever there's a torrential rain or an enormous amount of snow about to strike your roof tiles, the strength of the entire construction will be tested.

Imagine, then, a disaster of having a leaky roof and it's raining cats, dog and badgers outside. Well, since prevention is always better than the cure, in this article, we'll talk about what you can do to make your gutter leak-proof and strong enough to withstand even the roughest of storms that mother nature throws at it. As you'll see, it's all about avoiding trouble before it happens, preparatory work, and understanding the construction of your roof in the first place.

Doesn't have to be too difficult, really.

Perform Regular Roof Inspections

This one might seem like a no-brainer, and it really is, but it's important to mention anyway because people tend to forget about it all too often.

The important thing to remember here is to go up your loft every couple of months or so and see what's happening there.

Look for any bird settlements, odd holes in the tiles that weren't there the last time you visited, and also make sure to include the corners aren't damp. Also, search for mould meticulously through every nook and cranny of your loft. It can be hard to detect at times.

As a finishing touch, try to get on your roof and inspect the tiles from the bird's perspective. (Make sure to wear the necessary safety equipment if your roof is particularly steep or inaccessible.)

Once you're up there, you might even want to consider doing some patchwork or changing some old parts of your roof. The important thing to remember here would be to get stocked on some high-quality materials and spare parts. If you need any assistance, pros from Interline roofing will provide you with all sorts of roofing-related products such as gutters, mitres, and rivets and screws of all dimensions.

Enable Proper Ventilation

One of the biggest culprits for the accumulation of mould on your roof, the attic, and house, of course,  would be improper ventilation of your loft.

The thing is, as the air circulates through a room, it dries up any dampness that might have stuck around the corners. So, if there are no vents for the air to circulate through your attic, the water won't be able to evaporate outside and will just stick to the wooden beams.

This can have serious implications later on and if left untreated can even lead to some sections of your roof collapsing haphazardly.

To avoid this, ensure there is enough ventilation on your roof and attic, and make sure to air it as much as possible, especially during the summer.

Secure Roof Flashings

Sometimes the culprits for your roof's or attic's rapid deterioration are standing right in front of your face.

Large openings on the roof such as chimneys, windows, vents, or sensitive junctions can all let in loads of water during a rainfall or even a cyclone, which can ultimately lead to mould and general dampness of your loft.

To prevent this, make sure to organize some sort of protective seal for each of these openings, so that water is kept at bay when it rains.

Ensuring your roof is safe from holes, mould, and other damaging effects of weather is the first step towards not paying large repair bills once your roof gives in under pressure. Remember, regular checkups and inspections can keep the roof-related trouble well-away.

Bio: Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.