5 Real Estate Landing Page Conversion Rates

5 Real Estate Landing Page Conversion Rates

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Do you wish your website did a better job of gathering leads? The best real estate landing pages consider visitor attention spans and exploit that brief window of opportunity to convert a visitor into a lead. But what website components, content offerings, and styles entice visitors to provide their contact information and into your sales funnel?


What Is A Landing Page For Real Estate?

Landing pages are an essential component of your lead generation strategy. People who click on your ad or find you through a web search are directed to a landing page, which is a separate page from your website's homepage that urges them to do a certain action. Consider a landing page to be a trading platform: the agent provides something of value in exchange for visitors' contact information.

Landing pages come in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of the most frequent is a house valuation page, which provides potential sellers with an estimate of the value of their home in exchange for their name and email address. That contact information can then be used to nurture and convert that prospective seller.

Signing up for a local newsletter, receiving advance notice of hot listings, creating an account to bookmark favorite listings, or downloading an e-book for first-time buyers might all be options on the landing page.

Let's take a look at our five favorite examples of smart landing pages that actually convert.


5 Ingenious Real Estate Landing Page Designs

Landing pages come in different kinds and sizes, but we've discovered that the following five examples are the most effective at capturing leads. The partners we're highlighting are excellent, but many, if not most, of these landing pages are available regardless of whatever service you choose.


1. Real Geeks' Coming Soon

Coming soon landing pages, such as this one from Real Geeks, are excellent for attracting buyer leads, especially in a competitive market. Buyers provide you with their contact information in exchange for early access to images, details, and pricing for a property that is about to enter the market.

These pages are also wonderful social media marketing tools. Caption a listing photo with a call to action (CTA) that encourages followers to click the link for further information and photos—all they have to do is provide their contact information!


2. Placester's Exclusive Content

For this reason, providing helpful advice in exchange for contact information is a tried-and-true strategy. Giving away a free resource that addresses a customer's pain point is a terrific way to establish a client relationship and demonstrate your worth as a trusted advisor.

Providing material intended particularly for prospects who are still in the information-seeking phase (such as this buyer's content landing page by Placester) is a lengthy game, but it allows you to start the nurturing process before your competition.

You can even further tailor your landing pages to your intended audience. Consider customizing your offerings to certain profiles, goals, or needs. For instance, "The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Home in Charleston" would generate more leads than a broad home buying guide.


3. Home Valuation

Home assessment landing pages, provide property owners with a free estimate of their home's value. These types of leads are extremely significant because you now know these site visitors are thinking about selling their homes. You can configure your landing pages to deliver an instant valuation, which means visitors will receive a result immediately. However, keep in mind that quick valuations are dependent on algorithms, which allows for inaccuracy.

You may also provide a delayed value to deliver something that is clearly superior to the Zillow Zestimate experience. You'll configure the system to notify you when visitors supply their information, and then you'll produce a more accurate and complete comparative market analysis.


4. INCOM Property Search

Prospective buyers search for available properties and set up custom notifications using property search landing sites like this from iNCOM. Prospective buyers are far more likely to provide contact information in exchange for insider knowledge, exclusive listings, or alerts on homes that meet very specific criteria. Consider what is most beneficial to house hunters in your market while creating your landing page.


5. Luxury Presence's Community Guide

One of our favorites is the community guide landing page, such as this one from Luxury Presence, because it communicates your value proposition to your farming area.

You're a local expert. You know every street, every trendy coffee shop, and every supermarket. Use Luxury Presence to leverage your community expertise, as Kinga Mills does here. Provide exclusive event advice, insider information on neighborhoods, and tips on how to make the most of what your area has to offer.