4 Missed Real Estate Opportunities In A Bear Market

4 Missed Real Estate Opportunities In A Bear Market

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It makes me a little sad when I hear real estate agents whine about the market and behave as if they just need to wait it out until they can get back on track or start expanding. Additionally, it greatly frustrates me. Real estate possibilities are still available, and for agents who know where to seek, now is the perfect opportunity to outperform your rivals and increase your market share.

That is the main topic of this blog. I'm going to give you four justifications for why a downturn like this one is not your enemy but rather a chance for you to have an effect.

Let's get started right now. Read over these completely before starting to take advantage of the current situation.


Opportunity No. 1: Tough Real Estate Markets Produce Powerful Agents

I've been in this industry for almost 35 years and have experienced my fair share of difficult real estate situations, including Black Monday, the 2000 internet bubble crash, the aftermath of 9/11, and 2008. And what I've observed each time is that the real estate market splits into three groups:

  • The non-producers rarely, if ever, sell more than one or two homes. During a recession, this demographic is prone to leaving.
  • The Moveable Middle: full-time real estate agents who occasionally sell homes but aren't very dedicated and always appear to be having trouble. During this time, many of these agents will remain in their current positions and many more will become non-producers. However, some people advance into...
  • Those in the top 25% who continue to excel have some of their finest years ever during challenging real estate markets.

This message is for you if you are in the middle group and are giving it your best. Now is the time to hone your abilities and show what you are capable of. Because they weren't required to work with discipline, agents who started out a few years ago when properties were flying off the market in seconds are going to be hurting right now. So, the moment has come to polish it.


Opportunity No. 2: Agents Refrain From Marketing Due To Fear

On an episode of This Week in Marketing that we broadcast last Monday, Jason Pantana called attention to a significant opening that is currently available in the real estate market. He notices that some of the agents who are in charge of the majority of the transactions in their geo farm have reduced their marketing efforts. Furthermore, this is a grave error since it paves the way for cunning agents to enter the fray.

In a weaker economy, going all-in on your real estate marketing is crucial now more than ever. because it is the agents who stand out in difficult circumstances that people remember. And I'm not simply referring to your advertising. You must be quite clear that your responsibility is to care for and teach people. Provide Annual Equity Reviews, follow up with former clients to see how they're doing, and publish free internet content to keep everyone informed. Become the "knowledge broker" in your local real estate community.


Opportunity No. 3: Consumer Opportunities Are Being Killed By Fear

In the real estate market of today, buying a property is still a wise decision if...

  • It is within the buyer's means.
  • They also intend to stay in the house for a while.

Inflation and interest rates are currently some of the biggest causes of concern, but many individuals don't take into account the asset they're buying, which will typically create equity quickly and be eligible for refinancing within the year.

The agent who learns how to effectively communicate data to buyers and sellers to show them the real estate opportunity in front of them wins. At each stop of my Roadmap Tour, David Childers and Keeping Current Matters are providing the top 25% of agents with the local data and slides they need to become the most persuasive agents in their markets.


Opportunity No. 4: Understand The 7 Driving Forces Of The Real Estate Market

Here's another topic I discussed at Roadmap.

There are seven reasons why individuals will always need to relocate, regardless of the health of the real estate market. These Ds include:

  • Diapers: Having a baby
  • Death
  • Diamonds: Getting married
  • Divorce
  • Diplomas
  • Defaults on a loan
  • D’relocation: Okay, I tried!

It is up to you what you do with the list I just handed it to you. Some agents will simply remark "Cool" and scroll further. They will be incorporated into the marketing and targeting of others.


Don't Let This Opportunity Pass You By

I'll say it again: don't let this chance pass you by. This is your chance to really hone your abilities and get the respect of the people in your real estate market.

Yes, a market like this one in real estate makes you work harder, but the work you put in now is an investment in your real estate branding in the future. Be thankful for the chance to shine in real estate during this trying time.

If you require assistance, we are here to you with all the necessary tools, training, and direction. In addition, my Roadmap Tour is intended exclusively for devoted agents who want to use this market to their advantage.

I hope this was useful, and please don't be hesitant to get in touch.