The first look at your house should set the whole mood of your place. It is your fortress, your true home, and it should express your soul.
What is the best way to represent you in your home’s exterior? Paint it in your favourite colour, of course!
And we have some helpful tips on how to do it.
Create a perfect plan
It is not that big of a project, and it can be done in a couple of days ( if you don’t have a massive mansion, of course). But we must say that pre-planning of this process is as important as painting itself.
Start with creating some notes on what needs to be done (priming, sanding, etc.) and what materials and tools (brushes, paints, gloves, etc.) you need.
Get your house in a shower.
It is your house’s outside part, so the exterior will definitely be pretty dirty. We recommend you use a pressure washer to get rid of any dirt, sand, moss, or any other things on your home’s facade.
It is the easiest and most effective way to clean it almost perfectly and not fall dead from exhaustion.
Prepare the surface but don’t overdo it.
Scraping, sanding and priming your whole house is a massive amount of work. If you don’t want to do it, you can just skip these stages if the paint in the given area looks as good as new.
However, if you see flaking or loose paint on the house’s walls, you need to work on this area and prepare it properly for repainting.
Fix the fractures
If you see any small cracks or tiny holes on the exterior of your house, it is better to fix them before you paint over them. You see, the paint will fall in these cracks and create a less than perfect surface that will bother you later for sure.
That’s why we recommend you fill them with some putty or wood filler before painting. After that, you will get a smooth and perfect surface to work with.
Cheat with a paint
Well, you can do it by simply choosing a colour that is very close to your house’s original one. You can go a couple of hues darker, of course.
This way, you need to do only one coat of paint, and it still will look perfect.
If you want to change the house’s colour completely, we offer you to pick a much darker colour than now.
Dark paints have a lot of pigment in them, and they will be able to cover your house’s exterior perfectly without some weird spots in various places of the facade.
Hire an expert if you need
Our last advice is to hire a painting team if you are not sure that you will be successful with this project. Don’t pay twice for this job: it should be done well from the start.
You can also hire an assistant for this job if you do want to do most of it yourself. Long story short: it is okay to ask for help.
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