How to Transform Your House into an Eco-Friendly Home

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Recent years have brought a change no one really expected would happen as quickly as it has. From being almost absolutely unaware of the importance of environmental preservation. We’ve come to advertise it – and you’ll agree, that’s a HUGE step for everyone!

The troubling aspect of environmental preservation on an individual level is that there aren’t too many environmentally-friendly “tools”. That help us encourage environmental consciousness and its implementation in our everyday. Still, there are currently a few things everyone who’s got a great respect for nature should include into their daily dynamics.

1. Install a Wi-Fi smart thermostat

It’s no secret that the temperature in the room affects both our mood and our electric bill, right? Right. On that note, finding the best solution for the temperature regulation at your home or your office is crucial. That is – if you are looking to step up your heat to power-consumption ratio game. A Wi-Fi smart thermostat is a great eco-friendly solution allowing you to control the temperature in any room remotely. Just by using your smartphone or tablet. There’s also the option of the automatization of the thermostat, which is great, too.

2. Introduce green sprinklers into your yard

Water consumption consciousness is one of the key elements of every eco-friendly home. Apart from being very careful about the way you use water in your home. You need to be extra careful about its “decorative” usage, as well. Although a set of yard sprinkles can make a huge difference for both your garden greenery and your yard’s decorative aspect. They can also be the nature’s worst enemy if carelessly used. Introducing green sprinklers into your home is a fantastic solution for lowering your water consumption significantly. While still getting the aesthetic kick out of it! Control your green sprinkles by a remote controller or turn them on/off automatically and see your water consumption reduce by 30%.

3. Trust home automation

Every household spends electricity enormously without even realizing it. A number of gadgets we leave plugged in when we leave the room (your laptop, the PC, the coffee pot, the microwave, etc.). The light that’s carelessly left on in your study and your guest bathroom. Leaving the tap on while you are washing your face or brushing your teeth, etc. Are all draining the energy immensely and hurting Mother Nature in the process (and your wallet!). Although some of the above-mentioned gadgets do need to be manually unplugged.

Most can be automatically shut off and help save the energy more than you know. A full home automation, like the one offered by reputable CBus installers, is pretty much the answer to your energy saving. Once installed, you’ll be able to control the air conditioning in your home. As well as the lighting and entertainment systems without even leaving the couch. How awesome is that?!

4. Switch to LED bulbs

Switching from regular to LED lights is one of the oldest eco-friendly tricks in the book and unless you’ve already picked up on it, this is the right time to so. Yes, LED bulbs are a bit more expensive at first, but they last longer, they are eco-friendly and they shine white which makes them a fantastic option for your eco-improvement.

5. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Again, one of the ground stones of an eco-friendly life is having the awareness of both consumption and the reduction of that consumption. In adjusting your attitude and changing just a few habits, you may contribute a lot to nature! Everything starts with reducing your need for buying non-environmentally-friendly products, such as clothes, various gadgets, etc. Try reusing your old materials such as doors, wood floors, windows and similar for upgrading your new home and turn to recycled materials such as recycled tile, glass, aluminum, recycled plastic, reclaimed lumber and other materials that can be used in your (new) green home. Get into the habit of recycling regularly.

6. Have a garden with edible plants

If you’ve got the time (and skill!) to grow an indoor or outdoor garden, do it! Grow green veggies and herbs you can use for cooking and healthy snacking. Try to avoid using toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers and include organic, earth-friendly products in building your garden. Why is growing your own garden good for you? Because organic gardens help you eat healthily and lower air pollution while reducing soil erosion at the same time. We call that a great reason.

There – a few tips that will make your eco-adventure way easier and, hopefully, fruitful. Stay committed!