How To Persuade Real Estate Clients To Stage Their Home

How To Persuade Real Estate Clients To Stage Their Home

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According to research conducted by the National Association of Realtors, 82 percent of real estate agents agree that staging a house for sale is effective and valuable, yet it does not always occur. Homeowners object to house staging for a variety of reasons, including the cost of staging, the idea that they have the greatest style, or an unwillingness to live in staged homes.

Finally, real estate brokers are forced to advise customers that a little home staging may be required to swiftly sell their house, regardless of how "perfect" they believe their home is. The key to winning the war of home staging is simple: education. You'll need to provide them with quantifiable, real-world examples of how arranging their house will make their life easier (and more profitable).

When a customer questions your recommendation to stage their property, refer to one of the reasons below to put them at ease. Here's how to handle the most typical client concerns about house staging:


"What's The Point Of Home Staging?"

Make it clear that your aim is to get your client's home off the strategy as soon as possible and at the greatest possible price. A competent home staging business guarantees that purchasers see the home in the best possible light and that the features that modern buyers seek are highlighted (without the need for a large, pricey remodel). Stagers understand how to use design components to make strategic furniture arrangements and decor choices that help homes sell faster.

In fact, data show that properties that sell in the first four weeks sell for 1% more than asking, whereas those that sit on the market for even one week sell for 5% less - and profits drop quickly from there. It is in your client's best advantage to enter the real estate market with an appealing listing.

Clients must also understand that, with the development of virtual viewings, house staging has grown in importance. Prospective buyers are used to quickly scanning through internet photographs and tours and making yes or no selections. With only visual cues to go on, your client's 40-year-old furniture set can cause your property listing to be on the market for weeks or even months longer.


"It's Way Too Expensive!"

There are several ways to divide the cost of staging. Some agents choose to include charges in closing fees, share them with clients, or require customers to pay them in whole. It is up to you to select how payment will be handled. If clients are expected to pay for staging (either partially or entirely), it is critical to demonstrate how useful it is. Most home staging projects can cost between $300 and $2000, according to, but the average return on investment is 586%! There are very few house-selling options that offer a comparable return.

If money is still an issue, concentrate on the areas that receive the most attention from visitors: the front yard, living room, master bedroom, and kitchen. Other rooms can be handled by the client with your assistance.

To assist clients with efficiently staging lower priority rooms such as guest rooms or restrooms, propose the following basic guidelines:

  • Clear superfluous stuff off surfaces to free up the room and make it appear brighter.
  • Depersonalize: Remove highly personal stuff such as intimate photos, prescription bottles, and similar items.
  • Deep cleaning: Clients should clean their homes as though they were moving into someone else's. Visitors will scrutinize every detail, so dive into the nooks and crannies.
  • Make little repairs: A simple paint job, caulking, or another minor update may radically transform the ambiance of a space.


"My Next-Door Neighbor/Friend/Coworker Didn't Stage Their Home, And It Sold!"

Clients must be reminded from time to time that each home is distinctive in its own right. Perhaps their friend's house was in a more desirable neighborhood or on a corner lot. Certain characteristics, such as location or age, cannot be altered, but there is plenty that can be done to improve a property's pricing and condition.

If customers want to make an accurate comparison, they should look at homes in their neighborhood that were listed and sold around the same time. Then, you may offer statistics from your local real estate market to demonstrate the difference in performance between professionally staged properties and those that were not staged and did not perform as well.

If you've sold other properties in the area, you can contact previous buyers and ask if you can stop by the property. This is why having your client information organized in a CRM comes in handy.


"I Have A Great Sense Of Style." I'm Not Sure Why I'd Need To Update It."

Style is a personal preference. Remind clients that, while you may admire their sense of design, their property is a product to be sold and should be treated accordingly. The idea is to give a blank canvas in which people might imagine themselves living, rather than to promote a specific decorative style. In order to imagine themselves in the home, buyers must form an emotional connection with it. A space crammed with a stranger's personal belongings makes it much more difficult to envision the house as their future home. The residence must appeal to the buyer rather than the seller.

In extreme circumstances, take your seller clients to comparable listings in the neighborhood to demonstrate how modern, neutral design routinely attracts interest. Inquire how they feel about a well-presented property vs one that does not.


"I Don't Want To Live In A Staged Home."

Most customers live in the property they have listed until the keys are turned over to the new owner. It's understandable that living in a staged home while it's being showcased can be stressful. However, we must keep our eyes on the prize: selling the property quickly. Remind customers that if they are willing to live in a staged home for a limited time, the property will sell faster and for a greater price. Home maintenance does not have to be complicated. Once they get the hang of it, it's fairly simple:

  • Every morning, make your bed.
  • Clear the counter and put away all personal belongings after you've washed up.
  • Keep surfaces clean by sweeping regularly.
  • Before showing the house, make sure everything is in its proper position (put dishes and children's toys away, for example).


"First, Let's Attempt Without Home Staging. If The Property Does Not Generate Much Attention, We Will Stage It."

Remind customers that the longer a home is on the market, the harder it is to sell. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it a good one by giving your all on the first try.

Buyers want to be dazzled straight away, thanks to programs like HGTV and visual-oriented social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest. There is no place for experimentation.


Last But Not Least...

Your clients engaged you for a reason: you are more knowledgeable about selling properties in today's real estate market than they are. If they don't act quickly on your advice (especially if it costs them time and money), it just means they need more reassurance and education.

When it comes to property staging, there are numerous indisputable financial benefits that justify the expense. It is your responsibility as the agent to communicate these benefits and build trust and understanding between yourself and your customer. With the information provided above, you may overcome any client opposition to staging and sell their property quickly.