Moving to a new place is linked to a matrix of decisions and tasks one has to face. One of them is linked to transferring utility services and connections. At the first glance, things seem pretty straightforward, but there are several steps you need to take, and you need to invest a bit of time as well. I assume you want to start with a clean slate and gain a peace of mind, not have problems coming to haunt you. What is more, you also have an opportunity to save money and do something food for the planet. Here is how to avoid common pitfalls and make a smooth transition.
The spadework
In a nutshell, you need to know how to disconnect the utilities in the old place and connect them in your new nest. It may sound as simple as ABC, but it seldom is in practice. That being said, all you need to do is to plan ahead of time and show due diligence. The consequences of messing up this aspect of moving tend to be dire—you are either forced to pay for both connections or end up without electricity at your new home. The only way to avoid these ramifications is to do your homework: find out how to make a switch, how much it costs, and how long the process lasts.
Getting disconnected
The first thing to do is disconnect at the old home. This is something that typically an energy provider sorts out, although you have to declare your intent to cancel. Ideally, the disconnection should take place on the day you move out. To make it happen, give your provider at least a week to complete disconnecting. Bear in mind that depending on the type of contract you have, you may have to cover a termination fee. Therefore, it is a good idea to go over the details of the document yourself, including the fine print.
Exploring new avenues
Next, it is time to contact a new provider and get connected at the new home. Of course, you do not have to settle for the same energy provider, especially in case your bills were inflated in the past months. It always pays off to invest some time in research and compare prices. You want to make the most bang for your buck. If you are not keen on making phone calls and seeking information online, you have another option: using a service for moving house utilities allows you to organise the utilities in a streamlined way and solve any issues you might have.
Making a choice
Relying on professionals also helps you decide from a multitude of available plans and packages. After all, in some areas, there are a dozen or more companies offering competitive prices. But, do not assess the offers from the financial standpoint only. Things like customer service and responsiveness also matter a great deal. In any event, pick a plan that meets the needs of your household the best and your expectations. Remember also that you need to pay a connection fee, which differs from company to company.
Green credentials
One final thing to consider is the environmental impact of your household. Sustainability is a big concern on the global stage, but it shapes your local and immediate surroundings as well. Some providers harness power from clean and renewable sources, while others cling on to old wasteful methods. In general, more and more companies are moving to the green frontier, which is the future. Therefore, make the right call by taking into account how it affects Mother Nature and problems that loom over our society.
Smart move
When you find your dream home, letting utility connections be an afterthought is a grave mistake. To steer clear of it, get familiar with the ins and outs of the energy supplier switching process. Start preparing well in advance so that you can iron out any wrinkles. Weigh your options carefully and do not rush the transfer decision. Following these steps is the key to transitioning in a frictionless fashion and opening the new joyful chapter of your life. You should be able to spare yourself the headaches and boost your household budget in the long run.
Lillian Connors